What child doesn’t want to spend all day running around outside after winter is over?? I know lots of your children would prefer to use a tablet or some other gaming system, but if you CAN get them out, here are the basics to keep them healthy:
Sun protection. The UV exposure from the sun can cause skin cancer, I am not telling you anything you don’t know. So, please apply appropriate level sun block. Be careful with spray sun block around a child’s face.
Make sure they use helmets, knee pads and elbow pads when using bikes, skateboards or hoverboards. Using this equipment will save you a visit to your local emergency room.
Consider how you will monitor your child as they use trampolines and monkey bars. There is no need to wrap your child in bubble wrap, but it’s good to be careful and take precautions.
HYDRATION!! WATER! Not too much all at the same time, then, they — you know… return it. Remember, those high sugar drinks like juices and sodas are high in sugar and further dehydrate the body. Did I mention water is better than high sugar beverages?
Swimming pools. Please make sure that any child that is in the water is appropriately supervised. Drowning and near drowning incidents can happen in a split second. Always make sure that small children who are not strong swimmers, are never more than an arms length away. No wrestling or horse play should be encouraged while in the water. If there is a pool nearby, please make sure it is closed off on all 4 sides. Please also remember that a child can literally drown in a water level of a few inches. Common sense safety is useful here. Most importantly, as I said before, do not let children in water unsupervised and if there is a body of water, it should be closed off on all 4 sides.