So, this is a BIG topic! Parents are always thinking about what their kids are drinking, and if it’s good for them. Hydration is important, and questions about it vary depending upon the circumstance.
What should a child drink when they are doing their everyday activity?
Every day activity is easy! We are mostly made up of water, children even more so. If your child has headaches, stomachaches, constipation, dry skin, even difficulty focusing—all of these issues could be related to your child needing to drink more water. One good way to assess their water intake is their urine color. The darker it is, the more water they need to drink.
What about if your child doesn’t like to drink water? Some people say their child doesn’t like the taste… I always get a kick out of that. First, it’s good to explain that everything does NOT need to be sweet. Maybe make a pitcher of water and add berries, oranges, or some fruit. That can add some flavor. Some other flavored substitutes can be added as well, if you like. Please do NOT substitute water with juice or sports drinks or soda. Even if something is 100% organic or all natural, it’s still not good for you. Think of juice like candy. It’s more of a treat. Servings of juice can have as much sugar as soda, if not more. Think of it this way: just because something is all natural, doesn’t make it good. If I gave you 100% all-natural pure heroin, is that good for you?
What should they drink when they are playing sports?
What do professional athletes drink — juice, soda? Is your child a professional athlete? Water is good enough here, as well. G2 Gatorade has less sugar than G, and Powerade is comparable, but has more sugar. Sports drinks need 4-8% sugar, Gatorade lives around 6%, whereas Powerade lives around 8%. Gatorade is more electrolyte balanced as well, but these differences between Gatorade and Powerade are small. I prefer Gatorade over Powerade because it doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), but too much sucrose is bad as well. So, in conclusion, for even moderate exercise, water is best. And if you have a teenager or older child who is trying to watch their calories, running a mile then drinking a Gatorade… you just gained weight. You were better off not running and not drinking anything. Did I say water is best, I don’t remember. One other option — Coconut water is a good option as well, as it has the appropriate electrolyte balance and the right amount of sugar.
What should they drink in the summer?
In the summer, just more water. Some sports drinks to help them drink water, but really it’s the same as any other time of year.
What should they drink when they are ill?
What about when they are sick…. That’s a great question! What about Pedialyte? Well, it’s good for you, but it tastes like… well, not good. If your child drinks it, great. If you can freeze it and make ice pops that they will consume, great. If not, half sports drink and half water, or half juice and water is fine. If they are vomiting, that’s ok, that happens sometimes. If you can give them 5ml (one teaspoon) every 10 to 15 min great, but if they still vomit, cut the volume in half. Keep decreasing what you are giving them until you find the magic amount they can tolerate. Keep giving that until it’s tolerated, then increase as tolerated. Re-introduce food when and how it is tolerated. If they have diarrhea, same thing—most importantly keep them hydrated.
How do you know if they are dehydrated?
Another good question! Do you see tears when they cry? Did they pee within the last 8-10 hours? Is their heart racing? Are they easily arousable? If you are concerned about any of
these factors, take them to see a doctor, preferably a pediatrician.

A brief table providing the appropriate amount of fluids needed for consumption