So, how do you keep your kids at home and out of the emergency room?? What we want to do here is give you pediatric information in ways that are easy to understand. You will find “write ups” of common pediatric questions and problems that I hope will help you avoid unnecessary stress. Also, you will find links here to recent pediatric articles, new or interesting tools or groups that could be useful or informative for any parent.
The main premise to what I hope you take away from this website is when people talk about doing “research”, they search the web for any and all information. I don’t want to point a finger or disparage anyone. People should feel free to follow anyone they choose. However, they should remember one word: accountability. Will these “researchers” stand by their studies and their rhetoric when your child is ill? Can they care for your child in a hospital? Do they have a hospital or any inpatient care facility? Or will they put their hands up, say “I am not a doctor, you need to go to the hospital”? As a pediatric hospitalist, I care for sick children in inpatient and critical care settings. I am a board-certified pediatrician who has been faculty and worked at children’s hospitals. I will provide you with evidence based information, and I look forward to reading your constructive feedback on how I can provide you relevant information that helps you better care for your family and relieve some of the anxiety that all parents feel today.